Air Quality Management :

Nicole’s Pure Air air purifier process removes contaminants from the air and surfaces by combining two very powerful purifying technologies - Photoplasma and Photochemistry. While these methodologies have been well studied and documented by the scientific community, the synergy of their interaction produces a unique and a superlative way of cleaning the air and surfaces of contaminants.

Photochemistry is the chemical reaction or change in material caused by exposure to light energy (photos from ultraviolet wavelength). This strong UV purifying process mostly destroys all indoor organic contaminants, such as dust particles, bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Meanwhile, cold gas plasma, a highly energized gaseous state stimulated by UV light wave, could also be initiated to destroy most organic contaminants.


  • Reduce organic contaminants: bacteria, viruses, mildew and pollen
  • Neutralize hazardous fumes: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC), pesticides, paints and cleaners
  • Remove harmful particulates: dusts and soot
  • Eliminate unpleasant odors: mustiness, chemicals, pets, tobacco smoke, cooking and garbage

Proper installation location

  • Office
  • Washroom
  • Lobby
  • Elevator
  • Living Room & Bedroom

Test Compliance

  • SGS Hong Kong
  • Hong Kong Polytechnic University